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The TextComponent is a crucial part of the GUI system, allowing for the display of text within the game. It works in conjunction with other components like DrawableComponent and SceneComponent to render text in specific scenes and positions.


struct TextComponent {
sf::Text text;
sf::Font font;
  • text: An SFML Text object that defines the content, style, and position of the text.
  • font: An SFML Font object that specifies the font used for rendering the text.

Creating Text

You can create text using the createText function in the EntityFactory. Here's an example of how it might be implemented:

core::ecs::Entity EntityFactory::createText(core::ecs::Registry& registry, const std::string& content, const sf::Vector2f& position, int fontSize, const sf::Color& color, int scene) {
core::ecs::Entity textEntity = registry.spawn_entity();

sf::Font font;
if (!font.loadFromFile("assets/Fonts/Arial.ttf")) {
std::cerr << "Failed to load font: " << "assets/Fonts/Arial.ttf" << std::endl;
return textEntity;

sf::Text text;

registry.add_component(textEntity, core::ge::TextComponent{text, font});
registry.add_component(textEntity, core::ge::SceneComponent{scene});

return textEntity;

This function:

  • Creates a new text entity.
  • Loads the font from a file.
  • Sets up the text with the specified content, position, font size, and color.
  • Adds a TextComponent and a SceneComponent to the entity.

Drawing Text

To draw text in your game loop, you need to run the appropriate systems. Here's how you can do this:

void Game::run() {
while (_gameEngine.window.isOpen()) {
// Handle events...

// Update game state...

// Clear the window

// Draw components
_gameEngine.registry.run_system<core::ge::TextComponent, core::ge::SceneComponent>();

// Display the drawn content

This code:

  • Clears the window at the start of each frame.
  • Runs the TextComponent system along with the SceneComponent system.
  • Displays the drawn content on the window.

Text System


The text system is automatically registered when the GameEngine is initialized. This code is here to explain how the text system works.

The text system is responsible for rendering all text entities in the current scene:

void textSystem() {
registry.add_system<core::ge::TextComponent, core::ge::SceneComponent>([&window = window, &currentScene = currentScene](core::ecs::Entity, core::ge::TextComponent &text, core::ge::SceneComponent &scene) {
if (scene.sceneName == currentScene) {

This system:

  • Checks if the text's scene matches the current scene.
  • If it matches, draws the text on the window.

Each of these components can work together with the TextComponent to create interactive and visually appealing user interfaces in your game.